About Us

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Board of Directors

Sr Frankie SO Hung Fai
Sr Frankie SO Hung Fai
LESK Solutions

Sr Frankie SO obtained a Higher Diploma in Building and Surveying from the Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1975. After graduation, he worked for 3 large quantity surveying firms and was qualified as a Chartered Quantity Surveyor in 1980. His work experience covered pre and post contract services for building and civil engineering works in both private and public sectors.


He then worked for his alma mater, the Hong Kong Polytechnic between 1988 and 2014. His scope of works included, amongst other things, cost control of capital projects and maintenance works as well as space management of the entire university. After retirement, he also worked for a property management company and an architectural firm as a maintenance manager and quantity surveyor respectively. He is now a director of LESK Solutions Co., Ltd.


Frankie is a Founding Member of Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, the President of HKIFM 2003/04 and the Chairman of FM Professional Group Committee of RICS HK 2009/2013.  He was the Nominated Director of BSL in 2012 and has been an Elected Director of BSL since 2013.


Ir Colin CHUNG Chi Leong
Ir Colin CHUNG Chi Leong
WSP (Asia) Ltd.
Ir CHUNG has over three decades experience in green building and sustainable design. Colin is the Fellow Member of HK Institute of Engineers (HKIE) and many other local and international professional institutions. Ir CHUNG is the Past President of Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers, Past Chairman of Association of Consulting Engineers HK, Energy Institute – HK Branch, Gas and Energy division and Energy Discipline Advisory Panel of HKIE. Currently, Ir CHUNG is the President of Association of Energy Engineers – Hong Kong Chapter.

Colin was the elected director from IMG of HKGBC from 2014 to 2019 and also served as the Chairman of Green Labelling Committee of HKGBC from 2017 to 2019.

He was elected as the Director of BEAM Society Limited (BSL) since June 2016 and appointed as the Chairperson of Technical Review Committee since February 2017. Currently, he is serving as the Honorary Secretary, Member of Management Committee, Chairperson of Standard Sub-Committee, Member of Audit Committee, Member of Membership Vetting Committee and Member of Assessment Automation Project Steering Committee of BSL.


Mr Alexander (Sandy) Main DUGGIE
Mr Alexander (Sandy) Main DUGGIE
Urbis Limited
Sandy is a Registered Landscape Architect, a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects and the Managing Director of URBIS Limited, a Hong Kong based multi-award winning design consultancy established in 1977, and providing services in masterplanning, urban design, town planning, landscape design, golf course design and environmental impact analysis. He has lived in Hong Kong and worked for URBIS since 1985, during which time he has contributed to several major territorial and strategic planning studies for the Hong Kong Government, and designed a very large range of private and public sector projects from small private gardens to large scale public infrastructure works. Designed projects include public parks, open spaces and streetscapes, schools, hospitals, hotels, residential, commercial and mixed use development and golf courses. Since 1977 URBIS has undertaken over 2,400 projects throughout the Asia Pacific region, South Asia and the Middle East and has won well over 250 awards and competition designs both locally and internationally. Many of these award-winning projects Sandy has worked on, designed and / or directed personally. He is particularly concerned with the promotion of sustainable design and designing the public realm to meet the needs of modern society. He is also a Director of BEAM Society Limited, a Director of the Professional Green Building Council, a Member of the HKGBC Green Building Faculty and a Co-opted Member of the HKGBC Green Labelling Committee.


Ir Alvin LO Tsz Yeung
Ir Alvin LO Tsz Yeung
Ir Alvin LO is currently the Director - CLPe Infrastructure of CLPe, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Limited originated in Hong Kong in 1985. Prior to joining CLPe, Alvin was the Associate Director of Building Sustainability and East Asia Sustainability Skill Leader of Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd.

Alvin is a Chartered Engineer, Registered Professional Engineer, an Industry Expert of China District Energy Association of China Association of Building Energy Efficiency and a Fellow Member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and Energy Institute (EI). With his diverse knowledge, skills and experience in sustainability, building energy and district energy in the industry, Alvin has been active in professional service, currently serving as Elected Director, 2nd Vice Chairperson of the Assessment Sub-committee (ASC) of the Technical Review Committee (TRC), member of Professional Development Committee and Audit Committee and Convenor of Major Revision of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings v2.0 of BEAM Society Limited, member of HKGBC's Green Building Faculty in Energy Use and IEQ aspects, Sustainability Chair of ASHRAE Hong Kong Chapter and Committee Member of CIBSE Hong Kong Region.

Apart from the professional services, he advocates himself in adopting innovative approach and integrated collaboration to cope with sustainability development. He was awarded the Young Innovator Award of CIC Innovation Award 2017 and VTC 40th Anniversary Outstanding Alumni Award to recognise his achievements and contributions to the industry.



Ir Dr Raymond CHAN Ka Lung
Ir Dr Raymond CHAN Ka Lung
The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Ltd
Ir Dr Raymond KL CHAN holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (HKU 1985), a Master's degree in Building Services Engineering (HKU 1995) and an Engineering Doctorate's degree (CityU 2010).

Ir Dr CHAN is a Chartered Engineer in HK and UK. He is also a Fellow Member of HKIE, CIBSE, IMechE & HKAEE.  Ir Dr CHAN is recognised by the qualifications of LEED AP from USGBC, CEM & CBCP from USAEE, BEAM Pro from HKGBC and REA from EMSD of HKSAR.

Ir Dr CHAN was the Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council (2014-19), Nominated Director of BEAM Society Limited (2014-22), Vice President of the Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors (2005-07), President of Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers (2014-18) and Chairman of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers – Hong Kong Region (2019-20).  Ir Dr CHAN is currently the Committee Member of the HKIE Environmental Division and CWRB of Construction Industry Council.

Over the past 30 years, Ir Dr CHAN has been working at various senior positions and has extensive practical and management experience in the building and construction industry specialising in E&M engineering, energy management and green buildings. He is currently the Senior Director – Business Development of the Jardine Engineering Corp., Ltd.
Mr Robert CHAN Hong Ki
Mr Robert CHAN Hong Ki
Sun Hung Kai Properties
Mr Robert CHAN graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Greenwich.

He is a member of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and a Registered Professional Surveyor. He is also an Authorized Person under the Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123 of the laws of Hong Kong). Mr CHAN has been a director of BEAM Society Limited since 2014.

Mr CHAN is an Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited and a project director of various key residential, commercial, industrial and mixed developments both in Hong Kong and on the mainland.

Mr CHAN is also an Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Architects and Engineers Limited, where he oversees the design aspects of various development projects, including architectural, structural, electrical and mechanical, landscape and interior design of various development projects. He is also a non-executive Director of SUNeVision Holdings Limited.


Ms Zoe CHAN Ka Yee
Ms Zoe CHAN Ka Yee
Ramboll Hong Kong Limited
Ms Zoe CHAN is an environmental professional specialising in EIA, EM&A, town planning and green building studies involving land contamination assessment, waste management and rating under the local BEAM Plus accreditation system. She has actively participated in environmental studies under the statutory EIA Ordinance process for environmental permitting and planning application in Hong Kong, as well as EIA and due diligence projects in Hong Kong, Macau, the Philippines and PRC. Zoe has expertise in various aspects of technical assessments including land contamination assessment, noise impact assessment, drainage and sewerage impact assessment, water quality impact assessment, sediment and waste management, safety, occupational and public health risk assessment. She has managed and supervised more than 100 environmental assessment projects under the EIA Ordinance and assessment in support of planning applications for private residential and commercial developments and Government sectors. For BEAM works, Ms CHAN, being one of the key team members, has been responsible to coordinate with project team members and BEAM Society Limited and also assists project team members to achieve credits to meet target grade. As project BEAM Pro, Zoe involved more than 50 BEAM projects which more than 30 projects achieved gold or platinum rating in provisional assessment and final assessment under BEAM accreditation. 


Ir Raymond CHOI Wai Man
Ir Raymond CHOI Wai Man
The HongKong Electric Company Limited
Ir CHOI graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Electrical) and a Master's Degree in Business Administration. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Being a practitioner in utility operations and customer services for a long time, he has been actively involved in the improvement of green building environment. He has served the community in working out a number of programs driving for building energy efficiency, conservation, the use of renewable energy and electric vehicles for carbon reduction. These initiatives include designing and managing the Smart Power Building Fund, feed-in tariff and renewable energy certificate regimes, and other programs promoting smarter use of energy in both residential and non-residential sectors.
Raymond has also served as Member of the Appeal Board Panel under Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406), the Electrical Safety Advisory Committee and the Steering Committee on the Promotion of Electric Vehicles. Raymond has been appointed as Elected Director of BEAM Society Limited since 2020 and is now serving the Marketing Committee, the Financial Audit Committee and the Development Sub-committee.
Mr Paul CHONG Kin Lit
Mr Paul CHONG Kin Lit
Southa Holdings Limited
Mr Paul CHONG is the founder and managing director of the Southa group of companies (a local E&M engineering company and equipment manufacturer) which is now part of the Veolia family (a French conglomerate in energy and environmental business).  He holds a degree in mechanical engineering (HKU), with expertise in low temperature refrigeration.  

He has dedicated much of his time in serving the community in the education and training sectors.  He holds the following positions in his current and past public services - Vice Chairman of VTC, Past Chairman / President of Zero Carbon Building, Construction Workers Registration Board, VTC E&M Services Training Board, ITAC for E&M Services, Skill Upgrading Scheme of E&M Services Steering Committee, Federation of E&M Contractors, Canadian International School and Board / Council Member of VTC, CIC, HKGBC, BEAM Society, THEi, HKAEE, Metropolitan University, Employees Retraining Board, Energy Advisory Board.  

He is also honoured by the Government with a Medal of Honour and a Bronze Bauhinia Star and by the Metropolitan University and VTC with Hon. Fellowship for his contribution.



Craig is a Landscape Architect with over 35 years experience working in Australia, Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. He currently is working in Saudi Arabia on mega-scale projects on the coast of the Red Sea. As a Landscape Architect, Craig has been involved with over 150 projects in Hong Kong in the past 20 years of his career. These include residential, commercial, institutional, public domain spaces including public open space, infrastructure, and the urban design, master planning of large scale developments in Hong Kong. Some of the more notable projects include The Hong Kong Wetland Park; the IFC Development, Harbour Road Garden; Enhancing Walkability Study, Green Connection-Hong Ning Road Park; Hong Kong Institute of Construction - Development of a New Training Centre; Ap Lei Chau Wind Tower, Cherry Street Park; Greening Master Plan for TST; and The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.

Craig is a Registered Landscape Architect, a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, a founding member of the Hong Kong Urban Design Institute, and a member of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects. Recent projects that Craig has been the lead Landscape Architect that have been awarded Green Building and related awards include: AIRSIDE (Green Building Award 2019 - Grand Award); Cognitio College (Kowloon) (Green Building Award 2019 - Grand Award); University of Chicago Academic Complex (FuturArc Green Leadership Award 2019 - Merit Award); and The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (formerly known as Hang Seng Management College)(Green Building Award 2016 - Finalist).

Craig's principal interests lie in the role landscape architects play in developing sustainable landscape solutions to create quality landscapes that encourage people to use and visit whilst contributing to the environment generally. In Australia, Craig's early work involved developing sustainable urban water solutions and strategies to minimise water consumption and re-use drainage and urban run-off in multi-purpose landscape projects. This is now known as Water Sensitive Urban Design and forms part of the broader Ecological Urban Design Solutions or Green/Blue Infrastructure Strategies that forms the basis of Craig's' work in Hong Kong, PRC, the Middle East and SE Asia.

Ar Yvonne IEONG In Leng
Ar Yvonne IEONG In Leng
Leigh & Orange Limited
Yvonne is a HK and Macau Registered Architect, PRC Class 1 Registered Architect Qualification, GB Faculty, working as the Associate Director of Leigh & Orange Ltd. She received her Master of Architecture from U. of Michigan, and Sustainable and Environmental Design in CUHK. She holds a diverse range of local architectural and interiors projects experience.

Yvonne has been participating Environment and Sustainable Development Committee of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) since 2003 and currently is the Chairlady of the Committee. She served as Nominated Committee Member of Hong Kong Environmental Campaign Committee under EPD of the HKSAR (2012-2018), member of China Green Building Council since 2011; Director of HKGBC (2014-2015) and BEAM Society Limited. (2017-2022). Co-opted member of Hong Kong Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) since 2012 & PGBC Director (2021-2022). She is HKIA Council member 2015-2016 and 2023-2024.

She strives to combat climate change by providing sustainable architectural and interior design with a holistic approach, and considering the impact on the environment through microclimate study, passive and active design strategies, sustainable materials selection with aesthetic concern. Her two green office interior projects had won several Green Awards while some other green awards for the design competitions. She has been participating many pro-bono work for promoting green buildings and green buildings assessment, also the development of Community Space and Countryside.
Ir Sr Jonathan LEE Man Kwong
Ir Sr Jonathan LEE Man Kwong
Savills Service Group
Ir Sr LEE has over 28 years of solid experience in engineering, facility management and green building industry. He is now working in Savills to oversee all Technical Support, Energy Saving Plan, ESG, Green Building, Health & Safety. The managed gross floor areas of the existing buildings, covering office tower, commercial arcade, residential estate, luxury villas and industrial building, are over 160 millions square feet.

He has been serving BEAM Society Limited over 12 years and is actively to promote green building in the real estate industry. Ir Sr LEE joined BEAM Society to take the role of Executive Committee in 2008 to 2009 and Director from 2009 to 2014, participated in various working committee, e.g. Professional Development Committee, Technical Review Committee, Audit Committee, etc. He was an Expert Panel Member in Management Aspect & Energy Use and contributed much to enhance the BEAM Manual to BEAM Plus Version 1.2. Recently, he also takes part in the preparation of BEAM Plus Data Centre Version 1.0 from tender stage to official launch. In addition, he was nominated as Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council from 2016 to 2019.

In the aspects of professional development, Ir Sr LEE has acquired three master degrees in building services engineering, facility management, and construction & real estate with distinction as well as the Chartership in both Engineer and Surveyor. He served various professional institutions and attained Fellow Membership in HKIE, HKIS, CIBSE, RICS and BSOMES. In the engineering & surveying industry, he was nominated to join numbers of working committees or advisory committees in Government / Academia / Professional Institutions to provide advice or comment on the latest property development, regulatory policy and technology, such as Development Bureau, Buildings Department, EMSD, The Hong Kong University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Construction Industry Council, etc.


Ar Susan LEUNG So Wan
Ar Susan LEUNG So Wan
Wong & Ouyang
Ar Susan LEUNG has over 30 years experience in private architectural practice. She practiced a few years in Vancouver apart from her practice in Hong Kong. She returned to Hong Kong in 1996 and is a Senior Director at Wong & Ouyang (W&O) now. Susan has been involved in many residential and institutional developments undertaken by W&O. Her involvement covers all stages of the design from feasibility & planning study, design development through to contract administration. She is Project Director for Redevelopment of Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital and Residential Development at Mansfield Road currently. Previous projects include Murray Building Hotel Development, Mount Nicholson Residential Development, HKCEC Atrium Link Expansion, Pok Oi Hospital, master planning of TKO Area 86 etc. She served in HKIA as council member from 2008 to 2012. She acted as Chair of Board of Local Affairs in 2010-2012. Community works include member of Planning Sub-Committee under LDAC from 2012-2015, member of Administrative Appeals Board from 2009 to 2015, member of Appeal Board (Town Planning) from 2011 to 2017, member of Railway Objections Hearing Panel from 2010 to 2013, member of Contractors Registration Committee Panel from 2007 to 2011. She is one of the earliest BEAM Pro in 2010. Susan served in BEAM Society Limited as member of BEAM Plus Existing Building Steering Committee since 2014. Susan has also been a member of HKGBC’s Green Building Faculty on Site Aspect from 2015 onwards.


Ir Sr Martin WAN Chun Wah
Ir Sr Martin WAN Chun Wah
Operation & Maintenance Platform and Mobile Apps Solutions
Ir Sr Martin WAN is qualified as the Certified Engineering Operations Executive by American Hotel and Lodging Association since Year 2003 by his professional knowledge and experience.

Ir Sr WAN became the EMSD Taskforce Member at the capacity of the Convenor of Hong Kong Hotels Association Engineers Committee, for the reviewing and formulating the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance and the Building Energy Codes. He was also one of the hotel engineer representatives for The Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners to liaise with various government departments during the consultation process of technical authorities’ requirements. He has been appointed as Course Co-ordinator by The University of Hong Kong to coordinate the new Green Buildings and Energy Management Course under the MSc (Environmental Management) Program since July 2017.

Ir Sr WAN was elected as the Director of BEAM Society Limited from November 2022. He is currently serving the Member of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings Major Revision Steering Committee, Member of Standards Sub-committee, Member of Marketing Committee, Member of Professional Development Committee, 1st Vice Chairperson of Appeal Committee, Member of MAN Expert Panel and EU Expert Panel of BEAM Society Limited.
Ms Melody WONG Yee Ting
Ms Melody WONG Yee Ting
Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited
Melody is currently a Senior Consultant in Climate & Sustainability Group of Arup. She is specialized in the low energy and carbon design of buildings. She involves in government code and guidelines drafting, particularly HK Building Energy Code and Retro-commissioning Guideline, demonstrating her expertise and influence in shaping energy-efficient promoting sustainable practices throughout the industry.

Melody is a Chartered Engineer, Chartered Environmentalist and a Member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM). She is one of the members of the Marketing Committee and Professional Development Committee of BEAM Society. She is now also serving Green Label Committee and one of the Expert Group members for Hong Kong Green Building Council’s Climate Change Framework.

In the last few years, she was one of the Green Building Young Leaders in HKGBC in 2022 - 2023. She was awarded as Young Energy Professional of the Year at the EIHK Energy Awards 2023 and was one of the finalists and awardees of The Young Women Engineer Award from IET Hong Kong in year 2019.

Dr Conn YUEN
Dr Conn YUEN
CO2nnsulting Limited
Dr Conn YUEN founded CO2nnsulting in 2008. Dr YUEN passionately believes in providing clients aiming to build sustainable developments with bespoke state-of-the-art consulting services.  Prior to CO2nnsulting, Dr YUEN founded and headed WSP Energy Asia in 2005.

Dr YUEN, trained as an aeronautical engineer, is an expert in air flow and thermal fluids, and low carbon design. Dr YUEN has transferred her know-how from aero-engines to the built environment, and contributed to setting standards and benchmarks for sustainable buildings and masterplans. Dr YUEN is one of three consultants who spearheaded advisory services for air ventilation assessments in Hong Kong.

Dr YUEN was nominated as Chair of Technical Committee of LEED Platinum, and is a board member of LEED Platinum in 2014. Dr YUEN has been on the Technical Review Panel of BEAM Society Limited since 2008, and a director of BEAM Society Limited from 2009 to 2014.  Dr YUEN has served in the Audit Committee, expert panels for Technical Review Committee of BEAM Society Limited since inception. Dr YUEN‘s active involvement in the low carbon built environment helps to steer the future development of BEAM Plus, LEED, WELL and BREEAM; and to improve the robustness of the technical quality of these certification labels for New Buildings, Existing Buildings and Interiors. Dr YUEN is one of the first to attain LEED AP in Hong Kong, BREEAM International Assessor and WELL AP in Hong Kong. Dr YUEN has been a member of the Expanded Building Committee of HKSAR Government since 2011, and serves as an Assessor on the Assessment Panel of Enterprise Support Scheme, HKSAR Innovation and Technology Fund. Dr YUEN contributes to develop best practice guidelines for sustainable design for CIBSE.



Ar Kentis BEH Kiang Hioke
Ar Kentis BEH Kiang Hioke
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
Ar Kentis BEH is an accomplished architect with 18 years of experience in Hong Kong and 3 years in Malaysia. Holding a Bachelor of Environmental Design and Bachelor of Architecture (Honours) from the University of Tasmania, Australia, he currently serves as the Director of A.Lead Architects Limited. Leading the office's design team, he manages diverse projects in the public and private sectors.


Ar Kentis BEH has successfully undertaken various projects, including healthcare planning, transportation, industrial complexes, institutional buildings, and commercial and residential developments. With expertise in architecture design and civil infrastructural engineering, he demonstrates exceptional technical skills and a commitment to innovative and environmentally responsible solutions.


Beyond his professional achievements, Ar Kentis BEH actively engages in the architectural community. He served as a Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) from 2019 to 2022 and contributed to different board and committee levels. His involvement in the Environment & Sustainable Development Committee and Architect Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA) reflects his dedication to sustainable design and architectural external affairs.


With extensive experience, technical proficiency, and a commitment to sustainability, Ar Kentis BEH brings valuable expertise to the board of directors. He continues to make a significant impact on the architectural field, driving positive change and promoting sustainable practices within the industry.




Mr Anthony CHAN Yin Chung
Mr Anthony CHAN Yin Chung
Hong Kong Construction Association
Mr CHAN is the Managing Director of Kwan Lee Holding Ltd which is founded in 1993. Kwan Lee undertakes large scale of infrastructure projects in Hong Kong, including Infrastructure Works inside Lok Ma Chau Loop, construction of the Sau Nga Road Stormwater Storage Scheme, construction of the Fanling North New Development Area and etc.

Mr CHAN graduated from the University of British Columbia in Canada. He is a now serving as the Chairman of HKCA Environmental Committee (EC). One of the aims for EC is to promote the standard and development of sustainable construction by engaging the government and industry stakeholder in Hong Kong. Mr. Chan served as a Board of Director in CIC-Zero Carbon Park between the period of Aug 2018 to Jul 2022 with the aim to raise community awareness of low carbon living in Hong Kong and promote behavioural changes towards low carbon living, and disseminate the latest information on low/zero carbon building technologies and share the smart city practices with industry stakeholders.

Mr CHAN is also the Honorary Secretary of Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA), the Honorary Treasurer of the HKCA Civil Engineering Committee, an Honorary Chairman of the HKCA Young Members Society, a Chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction STEAM Alliance, a Chairman of the CIC Course Advisory Panel on Civil Engineering, and a Vice Chairman of the Youth of Guangzhou and Hong Kong Association. He is also a Committee Member of Development Bureau Steering Committee on Construction Innovation and Technology Fund, CIC Organising Committee of Global Construction Digitalisation Forum and Exhibition 2024 and the Lifewire Foundation Limited.


Mr Ivan CHAN Yiu Leung
Mr Ivan CHAN Yiu Leung
Business Environment Council Ltd
Ivan CHAN currently serves as Director – Finance of Business Environment Council (“BEC”). Mr CHAN is responsible for setting and implementing financial strategies and operation systems.
BEC is an independent, membership basis charitable organisation which is promoting environmental excellence by advocating the uptake of clean technologies and practices which reduce waste, conserve resources, prevent pollution and improve corporate environmental and social responsibility.

Mr CHAN has more than 30 years of executive experience in private and NGO sectors. Prior to joining BEC, Mr CHAN worked in multinational companies, where he was responsible for financial planning and management in Asia Pacific, Europe and United States. He holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick, London.


Ir Prof Thomas CHAN Kwok Cheung
Ir Prof Thomas CHAN Kwok Cheung
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Ir Prof Thomas K C CHAN received his education in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. He has over 38 years of experience in the field of power and building services engineering. He is currently an Executive Director of WSP (Asia) Limited, a leading international consultancy company of multiple disciplines offering a wide scope of engineering services. 

Ir Prof CHAN has been acting as Project Director for various green building award and intelligent building award projects in Hong Kong, such as Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Phase 1, Hong Kong Design Institute, Tseung Kwan O Hospital Ambulatory Care Block, Lo Wu Correctional Institutional Complex, and Chaiwan Campus for the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi). He is currently the Project Director of several healthcare projects in Hong Kong including Redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital, Redevelopment of Princes Wales Hospital, Phase 2 (Stage 1), Redevelopment of Grantham Hospital, Phase 1, New Acute Hospital Development in Kai Tak and Expansion of North District Hospital and Chinese Medicine Hospital. 

Ir Prof CHAN has been active in various professional and academic community services and has held the office of: President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), Chairman of the IET HK and Chairman of the CIBSE HK Branch.

Ir Prof CHAN is a Chartered Engineer, Registered Professional Engineer and Fellows of CIBSE, HKIE, IET and IHEEM. He is currently Director of BEAM Society Limited, Chairman of Engineer Registration Board, Hong Kong; Chairman of Electricity Advisory Committee, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Government of HKSAR; Honorary Professor to the School of Science and Technology of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University; and Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Science and Technology of Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi).



Sr Nelson HO Siu Leung
Sr Nelson HO Siu Leung
The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management

Sr Nelson HO is an experienced Facility Expert with Chartered Building Surveyor and Chartered Project management Surveyor status, possessed over 30 years' experience in Projects and Facilities Management. He served in various renowned developers, major consulting firms and public organisations in Hong Kong. Sr HO is active in the activities of the learned societies. He is the founding director of the Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management and was the President in year 2009-2010. He also founded the Hong Kong Chapter of the building Smart International as the Founding Chairman in 2012 focusing on promotion of open protocol and application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Hong Kong. 

Sr HO is a frequent award winner with innovative and trend leading mindset. He had led the Hong Kong Science Park FM team to win the HKIFM EFMA Grand Award for twice, RICS Property Award and HKIS QPFMA Grand Award in FM during his 7 years’ service leading the HKSTP’s inhouse FM team. Nelson led his team to win the UNESCO Heritage Award for Cultural Heritage with the Bethanie Campus back in 2008 when he was the Department Head of Estates Department of HK Academy for Performing Arts. He also won the HKIFM EFMA Grand Award again in 2018 with the management of the Tuen Mun Public Riding School of the HKJC when he led his outsourcing team at Synergis for the HKJC.

Sr HO is the Head of Facilities Department of the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden. His responsibilities covered all facets of facilities management and operation for the KFBG including, the normal building maintenance and operation, improvement projects, maintenance and upgrading of 266 slopes within the site, information technology, procurement, car fleet management, cleaning, security, staff canteen, farm shop, mail service and etc. and of course, the construction of new green buildings for the KFBG.



Sr Nicky LAM Yiu Kwok
Sr Nicky LAM Yiu Kwok
Building Services Operation & Maintenance Executives Society

Sr Nicky LAM graduated from the Curtin University of Technology (Australia) with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Construction Management and Economics and holds a Master of Science in Quantity Surveying from Heriot-Watt University (UK).

Sr LAM is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (FHKICM), member of Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (MHKIS), the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS), the Chartered Institute of Building (MCIOB), and the Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society (MBSOMES).

With over 25 years of experience in facility management and construction, Sr LAM has worked with commercial and non-commercial organisations on a wide array of projects, including high-rise residential buildings, historical buildings, world-class offices, and complex shopping arcades, in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. He is also experienced in deploying drones and A.I. technology for building façade condition surveys. Sr LAM is currently Senior Manager, Venue Operations at the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, bringing his expertise and extensive experience to the newly opened Hong Kong Palace Museum.



 Sr Louis LEE Man Ho
Sr Louis LEE Man Ho
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Sr LEE Man Ho, Louis, currently serves as the General Manager (Building Rehabilitation) of the Urban Renewal Authority. He is mainly responsible for formulating building rehabilitation policies for Hong Kong and promoting them to the general public and stakeholders. Mr. Lee has over 30 years of experience in the real estate industry, having worked for several large real estate developers and real estate investment trusts. He has extensive professional experience in real estate sales, leasing, and operations.

Sr LEE graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Master's degree in Housing Management and is currently a candidate for a Doctor of Business Administration. Sr LEE is also a senior member of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS), a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Housing (HKIH), a senior member of the Institute of Shopping Centre Management, and a licensed Property Manager (Level 1).

In addition, Sr LEE actively participate in volunteers services in the industry. He currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Property Facility Management Division of the HKIS, a council member of the HKIH, a member of the Business Development Committee of the Construction Industry Council, and a member of the Construction Workers Registration Appeals Panel of the Development Bureau.

Mr Lirivs LEE Wai Lam
Mr Lirivs LEE Wai Lam
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners

Mr LEE is a registered professional planner, a council member of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners and Associate Director of Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited. He has been involved with extensive strategic planning studies and infrastructure projects encompassing land use planning and urban design of large-scale transit-oriented developments, new town developments and urban renewals for public and private sectors in HK and overseas. Works have also been done to provide solutions and projects of green neighbourhood and sustainable development.

Ar Adrian LO Yee Cheung
Ar Adrian LO Yee Cheung
The Professional Green Building Council

Adrian LO is a Registered Architect in Hong Kong and a Chartered member of RIBA. His remarkable contributions to the industry span across various platforms: his extensive involvement on multiple boards and committees, including Director of Hong Kong Professional Green Building Council (PGBC), Founding Docent of the Hong Kong Architecture Centre, Board of Local Affairs and Board of Internal Affairs of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA). He chaired the Young Members Committee and is currently chairing the Competition Committee of his professional institute. He demonstrated a deep passion in green building practices and has worked tirelessly to promote them across various organizations, such as the Green Labeling Committee of the Hong Kong Green Building Council, BEAM Plus Major Revision Steering Committee of BSL, Scientific Committee of the Green Building Award and the Environment and Sustainable Development Committee of HKIA.

Adrian is recognised for his excellence in design with both locally and internationally awards, including the Good Design Award, A’Design Award, and Novum Design Award. Adrian is dedicated to motivate younger generations to think creatively and to prioritize sustainable designs in their works through his leadership as the Co-chair HKIA 65th Anniversary Student Ideas Competition, Co-chair & Juror HKIA-HKFYG Student Design Charrette and Organizing Committee of CIC BIM Competition 2023. He curated the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Pavilion at the Eco Expo Asia 2022 and has been invited to speak at various TV and radio programmes. 

Ir Garrick SZE Kin Ping
Ir Garrick SZE Kin Ping
The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong
Garrick is currently the Project Director - M&E in Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. (SHK), supervising office, hotel, retail, service apartment, residential and data centre projects, both in HK and in China. All of them are designed and established as Green Buildings. All new HK projects in SHK are required to achieve BEAM Plus Gold Rating or above. LEED, WELL and China Green Star Certifications will also be targeted as appropriate.

In addition, Garrick is actively involved in deployment of new technologies for Smart, Energy Efficient and Healthy Environment. They include application Internet of Things (loT), Artificial Intelligence (Al) and advance Indoor Air Quality technologies. Garrick currently serves as Panel Advisor to EMSD for Best Practice for Operation and Maintenance.

Garrick is also supportive to innovations in project planning and construction delivery. Most SHK new projects are now using BIM in design and construction stages. He proactively supports the deployment of DfMA and MiMEP. 

As a LEED AP and REA, Garrick is keen to establish Green Communities which can provide good facilities for Elderly, adults, youth and children simultaneously. It is in line with SHK Company mission:- "To Build our Home by Heart".


Ms Eva WONG Hiu Kwan
Ms Eva WONG Hiu Kwan
The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies Limited

Ms WONG Hiu Kwan is currently the General Manager of Pacific Extend Properties Management Limited (formerly known as Shui On Properties Management Limited). She has over 30 years’ experience in the field of property management and now moving towards to the involvements in smart facilities management.

Ms WONG graduated from the University of Hong Kong and holds Diploma in Surveying, Master Degree in BA, Bachelor Degree in Housing Studies. She is a Chartered Member of H.K. Institution of Housing.

Eva was appointed as Hon. Secretary of HKAPMC and Nominated Director of BEAM Society since 2018.

During her past valuable experience, various green issues had been implemented and contributed Shui On Centre into green environment. She put her great effort on achieving the continuous development and implementation with all related disciplines in BEAM.

Ms Louisa YOUNG Sue Sue
Ms Louisa YOUNG Sue Sue
Hong Kong Interior Design Association

Ms Louisa YOUNG is currently a Senior Lecturer in Interior Architecture at Caritas Bianchi College of Careers, HKU SPACE & Metro University.

Louisa has more than 35 years of experience in the field of interior architecture and education. She has been the Director of the Hong Kong Interior Design Association since 2005. She is HKIDA Vice Chairlady since 2017 and invited by HKCAAVQ as Specialist since 2019.

Louisa dedicated to enriching the quality of life of the users, she believe to maintain the indoor environment as well as the awareness of the selection of eco-friendly materials and techniques; each effort leads to an ideal design that minimizes the negative impacts on the environment in an aesthetic manner. 
Her extensive experience in the industry and her years-long service at the HKIDA are a synergy to her teaching. Her education philosophy is to discover the distinctive talents in students and assist them to excel to the best of their natural endowment and potential

She believes enhancing students’ learning motivation is another task to achieve effective teaching for environmental sustainability. Trigger students’ inner motivation by giving them a sense of achievement, help them concentrated on learning and pursue the perfect result of self-achievement. 



Ar LI Ho Kin
Ar LI Ho Kin

Ar LI Ho Kin is a graduate of University of Manitoba, with a Bachelor of Environmental Studies (1977) and a Master of Architecture (1980). He worked in private practice before joining KCRC as in-house architect in 1984.


In 1987, Ar LI moved to Toronto and worked in private practice, while completing a part-time Master of Business Administration at the University of Toronto. Returning to Hong Kong in 1991, he worked briefly at the Buildings Department before joining the Architectural Services Department until his retirement in February 2013.


Ar LI has been a BEAM Pro since 2011. He joined the Professional Development Committee in 2012, and conducted presentations for BEAM Pro and BEAM Affiliate training sessions. He was elected as a Director of BEAM Society Limited in 2014 and became the Chairperson in 2022-2024.


He is also a Director of the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC); as well as Chairman of Green Labelling Committee, Member of the Finance & Executive Committee and Member of Infrastructure Rating System Committee of HKGBC.