BEAM Society Limited (the "BSL") is a public body under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) ("POBO”). All Directors and Committee Members of BSL are "public servants” for the purpose of the Ordinance. Directors and Committee Members are agents of BSL governed by Sections 4, 8, 9, and 19 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (POBO, Cap. 201) (and other provisions where appropriate). BSL is fully committed to the principle of honesty, integrity and fair play in the conduct of its business. To uphold public trust and protect public interest, it is important for all Directors and Committee Members to handle BSL’s business in a just and impartial manner so that BSL's reputation will not be tarnished by dishonesty, impropriety or corruption. To this end, the Code of Conduct sets out the standard of behaviour expected of all Directors and Committee Members. Directors and Committee Members shall understand and comply with this Code when performing duties of BSL. Any member in breach of the Code will be subject to disciplinary action.
Download Code of Conduct for Directors and Committee Members (PDF format)
IMS Policies
• Striving for excellence in service provision quality to achieve customer satisfaction
• Maintaining across the board a level of integrity expected of a scheduled public body
• Complying with applicable legal and other requirements
• Creating a safe, green and sustainable built environment for the community
• Monitoring the performance of our contractors to ensure their compliance with our requirements
• Preventing pollution and mitigating potential environmental impacts arising from our projects and operations
• Observing the principles of reduction of consumption, reuse and recycling of resources wherever practicable
• Providing a safe and healthy work environment for our staff members and visitors
• Including feedback from our staff members on health and safety issues to eliminate potential hazards and reduce risks
We achieve continual improvement through regular review of the effectiveness of our Integrated Management System as well as its Objectives and Targets.
IMS Objectives
2. Compliance with BEAM Plus Assessment performance pledges (In 2024, 99.33% of projects successfully met their performance pledges)
3. To deliver a combined total of ten (10) sessions of Training and Examination for BEAM Professionals and BEAM Affiliate annually
4. To offer 3,500 CPD hours to BEAM practitioners annually
5. To deliver training of overall satisfaction level not less than the rating of 3.8
*Rating scale of 1 (poor) –5 (excellent)
6. 11% year-on-year growth in the number of Members (Ordinary & Associate)
7. Handling of complaints: 1st reply within 5 business days, case closed within 20 working days for administrative issues and within 60 for technical ones
8. Zero accidents at work
9. 5% energy annual reduction, rolling on a triennial basis
10. Add to the workforce 1 qualified first aider annually
11. Organize consultation on occupational health and safety with staff once a year
12. Raise staff environmental awareness through training at least once a year
Notice to All Visitors
To all visitors to BEAM Society Limited (BSL) premises:
BSL has established an Integrated Management System (IMS) to enhance its operational performance on quality, environmental and health & safety management. The IMS aims to ensure service provision conforms to specified requirements, including relevant statutory requirements and expectations of BSL’s stakeholders.
To achieve this, BSL seeks for the cooperation and understanding of all external parties* entering BSL premises. All external parties should:
• Become aware of the IMS Policy at BSL
• Be accompanied by BSL staff at all times
• Follow the directions of BSL staff when emergency situations arise
• Report to BSL staff any environmental or health & safety issue they may encounter during the time they are on BSL premises
• Support BSL’s environmental and health & safely efforts to operate a zero waste, zero accident workplace
• Become familiar with guidelines from the Occupational Safety & Health Council relevant to the reason for your visit, examples of common situations are listed below:
* External parties refer to non-staff members, and include, but are not limited to:
- Suppliers making deliveries
- Contractors working on-site
- Visitors attending meetings, training, examinations, and events