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Standing Committees

Since May 2010, the Society has restructured. Committees and working groups are formed on a permanent basis through which members give advice on the continuous development of BEAM under the lead of the Board of Directors.

Chairperson Sr Frankie SO Hung Fai
1st Vice Chairperson Ir Colin CHUNG Chi Leong
2nd Vice Chairperson Mr Alexander (Sandy) Main DUGGIE
Hon. Secretary Ir Alvin LO Tsz Yeung
Hon. Treasurer Ir Dr Raymond CHAN Ka Lung


The Technical Review Committee (TRC) approve, monitor and advise on all matters relating to the BEAM Plus assessment, tools development and the operation of all its sub-committees, taskforces, panels, etc. Each of the sub-committee structured under the TRC, namely the Assessment Sub-committee (ASC), Standards Sub-committee (SSC), Development Sub-committee (DSC) and Appeal Committee (APC) has its own functions and duties.

The main task of ASC is to approve assessment results, while SSC interprets the BEAM Plus tools and provides interpretation and guidelines to the ASC and practitioners. DSC approves on matters relating to the development of BEAM Plus tools and APC to hear and make decision on all appeals submitted by the applicants.


Mr LEUNG Man Kit

1st Vice Chairperson Sr Kenneth CHAN Jor Kin
2nd Vice Chairperson Ir David YAU Kai Cheung
Ex-officio member Mr Benny AU Pui Nang
Ir Victor CHEUNG Chi Kong
Dr Benny CHOW Ka Ming
Ms Ivy LEE Siu Wing

Assessment Sub-committee (ASC)
Chairperson Mr Benny AU Pui Nang
1st Vice Chairperson

Ir Alvin LO Tsz Yeung

2nd Vice Chairperson Ir LEUNG Chi Fung
Member Mr Peter CHAN
Ir Colin CHUNG Chi Leong
Ir KWAN Kai Sing
Ir Timmy KWAN Kam Tim
Sr Kenny WONG Ming Bun

Standards Sub-committee (SSC)
Chairperson Ir Victor CHEUNG Chi Kong
1st Vice Chairperson Ir Dr WONG Chun Sing
2nd Vice Chairperson Ir Kenneth LI Siu Kong
Member Dr CHAN Hon Fai
Dr Tony IP Chung Man, MH
Mr Alfred LEE Chi Kin
Ir LEUNG Chi Fung
Mr LEUNG Man Kit
Ir Sr Martin WAN Chun Wah
Ir Matt YAU

Development Sub-committee (DSC)
Chairperson Dr Benny CHOW Ka Ming
1st Vice Chairperson Ar Thomas CHEUNG Kong Yeung
2nd Vice Chairperson Ar Kentis BEH Kiang Hioke

Ms Zoe CHAN Ka Yee
Ir Sam LEE Wing Sun
Ms Eva WONG Hiu Kwan

Appeal Committee (APC)
Chairperson Ms Ivy LEE Siu Wing
1st Vice Chairperson Ir Sr Martin WAN Chun Wah




The Audit Committee is established by the Board of Directors (BoD) and is delegated the authority and duty to assist the BoD in the oversight of the overall performance of BEAM Society Limited (BSL), the integrity of the BEAM Plus project assessments, and the performance of BSL’s internal audit function.

The duties of the Committee are as follows:
i. Audit on Assessment Results
ii. Audit on Procedures
iii. Quality Monitoring
iv. Other duties assigned by BoD


Chairperson Mr SO Kai Ming
Vice Chairperson Ir Colin CHUNG Chi Leong

Mr Paul CHONG Kin Lit
Ir Alvin LO Tsz Yeung
Ir David YAU Kai Cheung




The Professional Development Committee (PDC) conducts all matters related to training & education to BEAM Practitioners, including develop accreditation standards & examination questions, set up BEAM Pro and CPD training syllabus and training materials, lineup trainers, and all other matters related to training and education.

The main duties of the Committee are:

a) BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate Training and Examination
b) CPD Training


Chairperson Mr Alexander (Sandy) Main DUGGIE
Vice Chairperson Dr Benny CHOW Ka Ming
Members Mr Craig Ian DOUBLEDAY
Sr Nelson HO Siu Leung
Ar Yvonne IEONG In Leng
Ir Sr Jonathan LEE Man Kwong
Ir Sam LEE Wing Sun
Ar LI Ho Kin
Ir Alvin LO Tsz Yeung
Mr SO Kai Ming
Mr Nelson TAM Yuen Kwong
Ir Sr Martin WAN Chun Wah
Ir Dr WONG Chun Sing
Ms Melody WONG Yee Ting



The Marketing Committee plans, organises and executes events, promotional activities and marketing programmes for BEAM Society Limited, BEAM Assessment Tools and BEAM Practitioners; Liaison and gather industry experts and media to support and contribute to BSL’s activities, and to develop marketing strategies and support other committees to execute all promotional plans.

The main duty of the Committee is to develop marketing strategy for achieving the objectives identified by the Board.

Chairperson Ir Dr Raymond CHAN Ka Lung
Members Ir Raymond CHOI Wai Man
Mr Paul CHONG Kin Lit
Dr Benny CHOW Ka Ming
Sr Nelson HO Siu Leung
Ar Yvonne IEONG In Leng
Dr Tony IP Chung Man, MH
Mr Raymond LAU Dat Cheung
Mr Lirivs LEE Wai Lam
Mr Franky SHUM WL
Ir Barry SIN Wing Ning
Sr Kenny TSE Chi Kin
Ir Sr Martin WAN Chun Wah
Ir Wommy WONG Ming Kwong
Ms Melody WONG Yee Ting


The Financial Audit Committee (the “Committee” or “FAC”) is created and established under Board of Directors (the “Board”) with the task of assisting the Board to fulfil its duties in overseeing the financial reporting system. It should ensure that BEAM Society Limited stablishes and maintains an appropriate and effective financial reporting system and oversee such system on an ongoing basis. The Committee shall also report and make recommendations to the full Board on matters pertaining to its work and findings.


Chairperson Ir Raymond CHOI Wai Man
Vice Chairperson  Ms Zoe CHAN Ka Yee

Mr Ivan CHAN Yiu Leung
Sr Nicky LAM Yiu Kwok
Ar Adrian LO Yee Cheung


The Education & Scholarship Committee (the “Committee” or “ESC”) is created and established under Board of Directors (the “Board”) and is responsible for overseeing all activities relating to the selection and placement of candidates and evolution of all types of Scholarships, Grants and Awards.
Chairperson Ir Sr Jonathan LEE Man Kwong
Vice Chairperson Sr Nelson HO Siu Leung
Members Ir Prof Thomas CHAN Kwok Cheung
Ir Garrick SZE Kin Ping
Ms Louisa YOUNG Sue Sue


The Remuneration Committee (the “RC”) is established by the Board of Directors (the “Board”) and is delegated to scrutinize the annual review and proposal put forward by the General Manager (the “GM”) on remuneration adjustment and bonus for the Secretariat staff before the submission of the proposal to the Management Committee (the “MC”) for endorsement on financial commitment arising from the proposal. The RC is also tasked to formulate and recommend the annual salary adjustment and bonus awarded to the GM to the MC for budgeting purpose.
Chairperson Ir Garrick SZE Kin Ping
Members Mr Paul CHONG Kin Lit
Mr Alexander (Sandy) Main DUGGIE
Ms Susan LEUNG So Wan
Sr Frankie SO Hung Fai