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Green buildings use less energy and reduce water and material usages than conventional buildings which in turn limit greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of the BEAM Plus assessment is to reduce the environmental impact of buildings while maintaining and, in fact in many areas, even improving quality of the built environment and users’ satisfaction by adopting the best techniques, practices, and standards compatible with prevailing economic constraints.
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0
The launch of BEAM Plus New Buildings Assessment Tool v2.0 was kicked off on 4 September 2019; Project registration shall be taken place on the same date. You can register new projects through the Online Registration Form on HKGBC website: https://beamplus.secure.force.com/
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Note: For the latest e-Forms of BEAM Plus NB v2.0, please visit iBEAM.
ISO 9001:2015
Cert. No.: CC 6554
ISO 14001:2015
Cert. No.: CC 6555
ISO 45001:2018
Cert. No.: CC 7454