BEAM Plus Existing Schools (ES)
Education sector plays an important role in fostering awareness and combating the threat of climate change, as well as shifting the behaviour and attitude of our young generation towards more sustainable lifestyles and creating a more liveable community.
With the funding support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, BEAM Society Limited (BSL) in collaboration with Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), and the lead organiser, Business Environment Council (BEC), embarked on a green school project named "Jockey Club BEAM Plus in Schools Project”, which is aimed at reducing carbon footprint and instilling the concept of green building into our next generation.
In this collaboration project, BSL has developed a new assessment tool called BEAM Plus Existing Schools which is specifically designed for existing primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. To embrace various sustainability issues in the school sector, a two-book system, including the Assessment Manual and the Technical Guidebook, is introduced to facilitate the users for the submission of BEAM Plus assessment and certification process.
The assessment framework of BEAM Plus Existing Schools includes the following five categories:
1. Sustainable Leadership and Learning
2. Efficient Use of Resources
3. Sustainable Campus Environment
4. Health, Comfort & Happiness
5. Innovations and Additions