
BEAM Pro Training

Elective Course

BEAM Pro NB Logo

Training Outline & Course Flyer 

This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus NB v2.0 with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain fields
I. The framework of BEAM Plus NB v2.0 and;
II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus NB v2.0 and;
III. Innovative and sustainable design skills

Course Flyer: HERE

Minimum Qualification Requirement

The applicant shall possess: 

a) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 3 years postgraduate professional experience; plus
Qualification as a full member of one of relevant professional institutes (HKIA, HKIE, HKILA, HKIP, HKIS, or equivalent)


b) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 5 years postgraduate professional experience related to the assessment of green buildings, or equivalent


c) Age 35 or over: plus
A minimum of 10 years of experience in the design or construction of green buildings; plus
Applicants must have already attained a managerial position; plus
Submission of a paper (2,000 - 3,000 words in English / 3,000 - 4,000 in Chinese), to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and expertise in green building field and contribution to the green building movement. (NOTE)

Training and Examination Format

BEAM Plus NB v2.0 Training is a 4.5-hour video training by email link, followed by a 3-hour computer-based examination. BEAM Plus NB v2.0 Manual will be provided as open-book material at the examination venue. 

Candidate must correctly answer 63 out of 90 questions to pass the examination.

Candidates are advised to review the BEAM Plus Manuals and training materials prior to the examination.

Course Schedule

Registration for Training and Examination: starts in early-mid Feb 2025

Video Training: Feb - Apr 2025

Examination Date: 22 - 23 Apr 2025  

Examination Venue: Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, San Po Kong

Fire Safety Evacuation Plan



Only online registration via Online Training Portal is accepted.

After completion of BEAM Pro Fundamental Course, you may submit the application for NB v2.0 Training. The BSL, upon receipt of the application, shall inform the applicant of course approval status by email within 10 calendar days.

Candidates must complete this course within TWO years after completion of the BEAM Pro Fundamental Course. Or else, candidates will be required to re-register for the up-to-date version of the Fundamental Course.

Training and Examination Fee

Applicants must take the BEAM Pro Training and Examination as a package.
The following training and examination fee has already included the package of training materials and the first entry to the examination. 

Discounted Fee for Members**


50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)

Fee for Members of Supporting Organisation HK$3,150
Original Fee HK$3,500
**Exclusive for:
1) Associate / Ordinary Member of BEAM Society Limited (member since April 2015)
2) Patron / Institutional / Associate Member of Hong Kong Green Building Council (member since November 2009)


Examination Result

A provisional examination result showing "PASS/FAIL" will be generated immediately after the examination. The candidates who failed will receive the score and retake arrangement from BSL around one month after the examination. 

Passing the Examination

BEAM Practitioners Individual Account will be created by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) for candidates passing the examination. The candidates will receive the score and login information of the Individual Account around one month after the examination.

Login to BEAM Practitioners Individual Account: HERE

Examination Reschedule

Candidate is allowed to apply for examination reschedule ONCE, if he/she cannot attend the original scheduled date of examination. The application must be submitted to BSL at least 15 calendar days before the original date of examination. An administration fee of HK$600 will be charged per application of reschedule.

If the candidate fails to attend the examination per the new schedule, he/she is required to apply for re-siting the examination.

Examination Retake / Resit

Candidates can participate in examination retake within the validity period of ONE year of from the first examination date by paying the examination retake fee. 

Discounted Fee for ALL HK$1,100 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Original Fee HK$2,100

Candidate who misses the validity period will be required to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.

If candidates opt for examination retake, the payment must be completed before the deadline for registration of the examination retake or not less than 1 week before the examination retake date, whichever is earlier. 

Candidates who are absent from the previous examination due to medical reason or personal issue are eligible to resit in the examination subject to the same payment.

The application of examination retake or resit is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Candidates are strongly advised to apply for retaking the examination as soon as possible upon announcement or notice by BSL.


Appeal to Examination

Appeal to the process, procedure and questions of the examination are accepted.
Some examples of "Appeal to Process and Procedure” are the delay in allowing candidate to enter the examination centre, computer glitch, unclear instructions for the examination, etc. Candidates must provide clear and concise description of the issue under the appeal.

An administrative fee of HK$500 will be charged per process / procedure.
For the appeal on examination questions, the charge would be $500 per question on top of the administrative fee of HK$500. Candidates must provide the keyword of the question to support the appeal.

If the appeal is successful, the fee shall be refunded to applicant.

Appeal Process

To facilitate the handling of appeal cases in an effective manner, an appealer is required to submit the Appeal Application Form HERE together with a cheque with a correct amount, made payable to "BEAM Society Limited” and send to the following address:

Rm 105 – 108, 1/F Jockey Club Environmental Building
77 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon Tong
Hong Kong

Please note that appeal should be applied within 10 calendar days upon receipt of the provisional examination result.

An acknowledgement email will be issued to the Appeal Applicant within 5 calendar days from the day the form and cheque are received.

BSL will review the case and a reply will be issued to the Appeal applicant within 1 calendar month.

BEAM Pro EB Logo

Training Outline & Course Flyer 

This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus EB v2.0 with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain fields
I. The framework of BEAM Plus EB v2.0 and;
II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus EB v2.0 and;
III. Innovative and sustainable design skills

Course Flyer: HERE

Minimum Qualification Requirement 

The applicant shall possess: 

a) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 3 years postgraduate professional experience; plus
Qualification as a full member of a relevant professional institute (HKIA, HKIE, HKIH, HKILA, HKIP, HKIS or equivalent, or possessing the type of membership in a professional body recognised by the Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) as acceptable for becoming Tier 1 Property Management Practitioners)


b) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment, Housing Management, Facilities Management, Engineering, and related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 5 years postgraduate professional experience


c) Age 35 or over: plus
At least 10 years of experience in the operation and maintenance of green buildings; plus
Applicants must have already attained a managerial position; plus
Submission of a paper (2,000 - 3,000 words in English / 3,000 - 4,000 in Chinese), to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and expertise in green building field and contribution to the green building movement. (NOTE)

Training and Examination Format

BEAM Plus EB v2.0 Training is a 3-hour video training available on BSL’s Online Training Portal, followed by a 2-hour computer-based examination. Manuals of BEAM Plus EB v2.0 Comprehensive Scheme and Selective Scheme will be provided as open-book material at the examination venue. 

Candidate must correctly answer 70 out of 100 questions to pass the examination.
Candidates are advised to review the BEAM Plus Manuals and training materials prior to the examination.

Course Schedule

Registration for Training: All year round

Video Training: From course payment date to examination date

Registration for Examination: starts in early Feb 2025
(Practitioners registered for training will receive notification by mail in due course)

Examination Date: 15 - 16 Apr 2025

Examination Venue: Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, San Po Kong

Fire Safety Evacuation Plan


Only online registration via Online Training Portal is accepted.

After completion of BEAM Pro Fundamental Course, you may submit the application for EB v2.0 Training. The BSL, upon receipt of the application, shall inform the applicant of course approval status by email within 10 calendar days.

Candidates must complete this course within TWO years after completion of the BEAM Pro Fundamental Course. Or else, candidates will be required to re-register for the up-to-date version of the Fundamental Course.

Training and Examination Fee 

Applicants must take the BEAM Pro Training and Examination as a package.
The following training and examination fee has already included the package of training materials and the first entry to the examination. 

Discounted Fee for Members**


50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)

Fee for Members of Supporting Organisation HK$1,800
Original Fee HK$2,000

**Exclusive for:
1) Associate / Ordinary Member of BEAM Society Limited (member since April 2015)
2) Patron / Institutional / Associate Member of Hong Kong Green Building Council (member since November 2009)


Examination Result

A provisional examination result showing "PASS/FAIL" will be generated immediately after the examination. The candidates who failed will receive the score and retake arrangement from BSL around one month after the examination. 


Passing the Examination

BEAM Practitioners Individual Account will be created by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) for candidates passing the examination. The candidates will receive the score and login information of the Individual Account around one month after the examination.

Login to BEAM Practitioners Individual Account: HERE

Examination Reschedule

Candidate is allowed to apply for examination reschedule ONCE, if he/she cannot attend the original scheduled date of examination. The application must be submitted to BSL at least 15 calendar days before the original date of examination. An administration fee of HK$600 will be charged per application of reschedule.

If the candidate fails to attend the examination per the new schedule, he/she is required to apply for re-siting the examination.

Examination Retake / Resit

Candidates can participate in examination retake within the validity period of ONE year of from the first examination date by paying the examination retake fee. 

Discounted Fee for ALL HK$600  50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Original Fee HK$1,200

Candidate who misses the validity period will be required to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.

If candidates opt for examination retake, the payment must be completed before the deadline for registration of the examination retake or not less than 1 week before the examination retake date, whichever is earlier. 

Candidates who are absent from the previous examination due to medical reason or personal issue are eligible to resit in the examination subject to the same payment.

The application of examination retake or resit is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Candidates are strongly advised to apply for retaking the examination as soon as possible upon announcement or notice by BSL.


Appeal to Examination

Appeal to the process, procedure and questions of the examination are accepted.
Some examples of "Appeal to Process and Procedure” are the delay in allowing candidate to enter the examination centre, computer glitch, unclear instructions for the examination, etc. Candidates must provide clear and concise description of the issue under the appeal.

An administrative fee of HK$500 will be charged per process / procedure.
For the appeal on examination questions, the charge would be $500 per question on top of the administrative fee of HK$500. Candidates must provide the keyword of the question to support the appeal.

If the appeal is successful, the fee shall be refunded to applicant.

Appeal Process

To facilitate the handling of appeal cases in an effective manner, an appealer is required to submit the Appeal Application Form HERE together with a cheque with a correct amount, made payable to "BEAM Society Limited” and send to the following address:

Rm 105 – 108, 1/F Jockey Club Environmental Building
77 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon Tong
Hong Kong

Please note that appeal should be applied within 10 calendar days upon receipt of the provisional examination result.

An acknowledgement email will be issued to the Appeal Applicant within 5 calendar days from the day the form and cheque are received.

BSL will review the case and a reply will be issued to the Appeal applicant within 1 calendar month.




BEAM Pro BI logo

Training Outline & Course Flyer 

This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus BI v2.0 with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain fields
I. The framework of BEAM Plus BI v2.0 and;
II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus BI v2.0 and;
III. Innovative and sustainable design skills

Couse Flyer: HERE

Minimum Qualification Requirement 

The applicant shall possess: 

a) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment or Interior Design related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 3 years postgraduate professional experience; plus
Qualification as a full member of one of relevant professional institutes (HKIA, HKIE, HKILA, HKIP, HKIS, or equivalent) / member of one of the *Professional Interior Design Associations:
I. Hong Kong Interior Design Association (HKIDA) – Professional Member
II. The Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA) – Fellow Member


b) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment or Interior Design related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 5 years postgraduate professional experience


c) Age 35 or over: plus
A minimum of 10 years of experience in the interior design and fit-out of green premises; plus
Applicants must have already attained a managerial position; plus
Submission of a paper (2,000 - 3,000 words in English / 3,000 - 4,000 in Chinese), to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and expertise in green building field and contribution to the green building movement. (NOTE)

Training and Examination Format


BEAM Plus BI v2.0 Training is a 1-hour video training available on BSL’s Online Training Portal, followed by a 1.5-hour computer-based examination. BEAM Plus BI v2.0 Manual will be provided as open-book material at the examination venue. 

Candidate must correctly answer 35 out of 50 questions to pass the examination.

Candidates are advised to review the BEAM Plus Manuals and training materials prior to the examination.

Course Schedule

Registration for Training: All year round

Video Training: From course payment date to examination date

Registration for Examination: starts in early Feb 2025

(Practitioners registered for training will receive notification by mail in due course)

Examination Date: 10 May 2025

Examination Venue: BEC Auditorium, Jockey Club Environmental Building, Kowloon Tong

Fire Safety Evacuation Plan



Only online registration via Online Training Portal is accepted.

After completion of BEAM Pro Fundamental Course, you may submit the application for BI v2.0 Training. The BSL, upon receipt of the application, shall inform the applicant of course approval status by email within 10 calendar days.

Candidates must complete this course within TWO years after completion of the BEAM Pro Fundamental Course. Or else, candidates will be required to re-register for the up-to-date version of the Fundamental Course.

Training and Examination Fee 

Applicants must take the BEAM Pro Training and Examination as a package.
The following training and examination fee has already included the package of training materials and the first entry to the examination. 

Discounted Fee for Members** HK$500 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Fee for Members of Supporting Organisation HK$900
Original Fee HK$1,000

**Exclusive for:
1) Associate / Ordinary Member of BEAM Society Limited (member since April 2015)
2) Patron / Institutional / Associate Member of Hong Kong Green Building Council (member since November 2009)

A provisional examination result showing "PASS/FAIL" will be generated immediately after the examination. The candidates who failed will receive the score and retake arrangement from BSL around one month after the examination. 

BEAM Practitioners Individual Account will be created by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) for candidates passing the examination. The candidates will receive the score and login information of the Individual Account around one month after the examination.

Login to BEAM Practitioners Individual Account: HERE

Examination Reschedule

Candidate is allowed to apply for examination reschedule ONCE, if he/she cannot attend the original scheduled date of examination. The application must be submitted to BSL at least 15 calendar days before the original date of examination. An administration fee of HK$600 will be charged per application of reschedule.

If the candidate fails to attend the examination per the new schedule, he/she is required to apply for re-siting the examination.

Examination Retake / Resit

Candidates can participate in examination retake within the validity period of ONE year of from the first examination date by paying the examination retake fee. 

Discounted Fee for ALL HK$300 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Original Fee HK$600

Candidate who misses the validity period will be required to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.

If candidates opt for examination retake, the payment must be completed before the deadline for registration of the examination retake or not less than 1 week before the examination retake date, whichever is earlier. 

Candidates who are absent from the previous examination due to medical reason or personal issue are eligible to resit in the examination subject to the same payment.

The application of examination retake or resit is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Candidates are strongly advised to apply for retaking the examination as soon as possible upon announcement or notice by BSL.

Appeal to Examination

Appeal to the process, procedure and questions of the examination are accepted.
Some examples of "Appeal to Process and Procedure” are the delay in allowing candidate to enter the examination centre, computer glitch, unclear instructions for the examination, etc. Candidates must provide clear and concise description of the issue under the appeal.

An administrative fee of HK$500 will be charged per process / procedure.
For the appeal on examination questions, the charge would be $500 per question on top of the administrative fee of HK$500. Candidates must provide the keyword of the question to support the appeal.

If the appeal is successful, the fee shall be refunded to applicant.

Appeal Process


To facilitate the handling of appeal cases in an effective manner, an appealer is required to submit the Appeal Application Form HERE together with a cheque with a correct amount, made payable to "BEAM Society Limited” and send to the following address:

Rm 105 – 108, 1/F Jockey Club Environmental Building
77 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon Tong
Hong Kong

Please note that appeal should be applied within 10 calendar days upon receipt of the provisional examination result.

An acknowledgement email will be issued to the Appeal Applicant within 5 calendar days from the day the form and cheque are received.

BSL will review the case and a reply will be issued to the Appeal applicant within 1 calendar month.

BEAM Pro ND Logo

Training Outline & Course Flyer 

This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus ND v1.0 with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain fields
I. The framework of BEAM Plus ND v1.0 and;
II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus ND v1.0 and;
III. Innovative and sustainable design skills

Course Flyer: HERE

Minimum Qualification Requirement 

The applicant shall possess: 

a) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 3 years post degree professional experience; plus
Qualification as a full member of a relevant Professional Institute (HKIA, HKIE, HKILA, HKIP, HKIS, HKIUD or equivalent)


b) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 5 years post degree professional experience


c) Age 35 or over: plus
A minimum of 10 years of experience in the planning of green buildings or green districts; plus
Applicants must have already attained a managerial position; plus
Submission of a paper (2,000 - 3,000 words in English / 3,000 - 4,000 in Chinese), to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and expertise in green building field and contribution to the green building movement. (NOTE)

Training and Examination Format

BEAM Plus ND v1.0 Training is a 1.5-hour video training available on BSL’s Online Training Portal, followed by a 2-hour computer-based examination. BEAM Plus ND v1.0 Manual will be provided as open-book material at the examination venue. 

Candidate must correctly answer 35 out of 50 questions to pass the examination.

Candidates are advised to review the BEAM Plus Manuals and training materials prior to the examination.

Course Schedule

Registration for Training: All year round

Video Training: From course payment date to examination date

Registration for Examination: starts in early Feb 2025
(Practitioners registered for training will receive notification by mail in due course)

Examination Date: 10 May 2025

Examination Venue: BEC Auditorium, Jockey Club Environmental Building, Kowloon Tong

Fire Safety Evacuation Plan



Only online registration via Online Training Portal is accepted.

After completion of BEAM Pro Fundamental Course, you may submit the application for ND v1.0 Training. The BSL, upon receipt of the application, shall inform the applicant of course approval status by email within 10 calendar days.

Candidates must complete this course within TWO years after completion of the BEAM Pro Fundamental Course. Or else, candidates will be required to re-register for the up-to-date version of the Fundamental Course.

Training and Examination Fee 

Applicants must take the BEAM Pro Training and Examination as a package.
The following training and examination fee has already included the package of training materials and the first entry to the examination. 

Discounted Fee for Members** HK$500 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Fee for Members of Supporting Organisation HK$900
Original Fee HK$1,000
**Exclusive for:
1) Associate / Ordinary Member of BEAM Society Limited (member since April 2015)
2) Patron / Institutional / Associate Member of Hong Kong Green Building Council (member since November 2009)


Examination Result

A provisional examination result showing "PASS/FAIL" will be generated immediately after the examination. The candidates who failed will receive the score and retake arrangement from BSL around one month after the examination. 

Passing the Examination

BEAM Practitioners Individual Account will be created by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) for candidates passing the examination. The candidates will receive the score and login information of the Individual Account around one month after the examination.

Login to BEAM Practitioners Individual Account: HERE

Examination Reschedule

Candidate is allowed to apply for examination reschedule ONCE, if he/she cannot attend the original scheduled date of examination. The application must be submitted to BSL at least 15 calendar days before the original date of examination. An administration fee of HK$600 will be charged per application of reschedule.

If the candidate fails to attend the examination per the new schedule, he/she is required to apply for re-siting the examination.

Examination Retake / Resit

Candidates can participate in examination retake within the validity period of ONE year of from the first examination date by paying the examination retake fee. 

Discounted Fee for ALL HK$300 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Original Fee HK$600

Candidate who misses the validity period will be required to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.

If candidates opt for examination retake, the payment must be completed before the deadline for registration of the examination retake or not less than 1 week before the examination retake date, whichever is earlier. 

Candidates who are absent from the previous examination due to medical reason or personal issue are eligible to resit in the examination subject to the same payment.

The application of examination retake or resit is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Candidates are strongly advised to apply for retaking the examination as soon as possible upon announcement or notice by BSL.


Appeal to Examination

Appeal to the process, procedure and questions of the examination are accepted.
Some examples of "Appeal to Process and Procedure” are the delay in allowing candidate to enter the examination centre, computer glitch, unclear instructions for the examination, etc. Candidates must provide clear and concise description of the issue under the appeal.

An administrative fee of HK$500 will be charged per process / procedure.
For the appeal on examination questions, the charge would be $500 per question on top of the administrative fee of HK$500. Candidates must provide the keyword of the question to support the appeal.

If the appeal is successful, the fee shall be refunded to applicant.

Appeal Process

To facilitate the handling of appeal cases in an effective manner, an appealer is required to submit the Appeal Application Form HERE together with a cheque with a correct amount, made payable to "BEAM Society Limited” and send to the following address:

Rm 105 – 108, 1/F Jockey Club Environmental Building
77 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon Tong
Hong Kong

Please note that appeal should be applied within 10 calendar days upon receipt of the provisional examination result.

An acknowledgement email will be issued to the Appeal Applicant within 5 calendar days from the day the form and cheque are received.

BSL will review the case and a reply will be issued to the Appeal applicant within 1 calendar month.




Training Outline & Course Flyer 

This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus NDC v1.0 with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain fields
I. The framework of BEAM Plus NDC v1.0 and;
II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus NDC v1.0 and;
III. Innovative and sustainable design skills

Course Flyer: HERE 

Minimum Qualification Requirement 

The applicant shall possess: 

a) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 3 years postgraduate professional experience; plus
Qualification as a full member of one of relevant professional institutes (HKIA, HKIE, HKILA, HKIP, HKIS, or equivalent)


b) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 5 years postgraduate professional experience


c) Age 35 or over: plus
A minimum of 10 years of experience in the design or construction of green buildings; plus
Applicants must have already attained a managerial position; plus
Submission of a paper (2,000 - 3,000 words in English / 3,000 - 4,000 in Chinese), to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and expertise in green building field and contribution to the green building movement. (NOTE)


Training and Examination Format


BEAM Plus NDC v1.0 Training is a 2.5-hour video training, followed by an open-book, computer-based 1.5-hour examination with randomly generated multiple-choice questions. BEAM Plus NDC v1.0 Manual will be provided at the examination venue. 

Candidate must correctly answer no less than 70% out of 50 questions (Score:35) to pass the examination.

Candidates are advised to review the BEAM Plus Manuals and training materials prior to the examination.

Course Schedule

Registration for Training: All year round

Video Training: From course payment date to examination date

Registration for Examination: starts in early Feb 2025

(Practitioners registered for training will receive notification by mail in due course)

Examination Date: 10 May 2025

Examination Venue: BEC Auditorium, Jockey Club Environmental Building, Kowloon Tong

Fire Safety Evacuation Plan



Only online registration via Online Training Portal is accepted.

After completion of BEAM Pro Fundamental Course, you may submit the application for NDC v1.0 Training. The BSL, upon receipt of the application, shall inform the applicant of course approval status by email within 10 calendar days.

Candidates must complete this course within TWO years after completion of the BEAM Pro Fundamental Course. Or else, candidates will be required to re-register for the up-to-date version of the Fundamental Course.

Training and Examination Fee 

Applicants must take the BEAM Pro Training and Examination as a package.
The following training and examination fee has already included the package of training materials and the first entry to the examination. 

Discounted Fee for Members** HK$500 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Fee for Members of Supporting Organisation HK$900
Original Fee HK$1,000

**Exclusive for:
1) Associate / Ordinary Member of BEAM Society Limited (member since April 2015)
2) Patron / Institutional / Associate Member of Hong Kong Green Building Council (member since November 2009)

Examination Result

A provisional examination result showing "PASS/FAIL" will be generated immediately after the examination. The candidates who failed will receive the score and retake arrangement from BSL around one month after the examination. 

Passing the Examination

BEAM Practitioners Individual Account will be created by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) for candidates passing the examination. The candidates will receive the score and login information of the Individual Account around one month after the examination.

Login to BEAM Practitioners Individual Account: HERE

Examination Reschedule

Candidate is allowed to apply for examination reschedule ONCE, if he/she cannot attend the original scheduled date of examination. The application must be submitted to BSL at least 15 calendar days before the original date of examination. An administration fee of HK$600 will be charged per application of reschedule.

If the candidate fails to attend the examination per the new schedule, he/she is required to apply for re-siting the examination.

Examination Retake / Resit

Candidates can participate in examination retake within the validity period of ONE year of from the first examination date by paying the examination retake fee. 

Discounted Fee for ALL HK$300 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Original Fee HK$600

Candidate who misses the validity period will be required to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.

If candidates opt for examination retake, the payment must be completed before the deadline for registration of the examination retake or not less than 1 week before the examination retake date, whichever is earlier. 

Candidates who are absent from the previous examination due to medical reason or personal issue are eligible to resit in the examination subject to the same payment.

The application of examination retake or resit is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Candidates are strongly advised to apply for retaking the examination as soon as possible upon announcement or notice by BSL.

Appeal to Examination

Appeal to the process, procedure and questions of the examination are accepted.
Some examples of "Appeal to Process and Procedure” are the delay in allowing candidate to enter the examination centre, computer glitch, unclear instructions for the examination, etc. Candidates must provide clear and concise description of the issue under the appeal.

An administrative fee of HK$500 will be charged per process / procedure.
For the appeal on examination questions, the charge would be $500 per question on top of the administrative fee of HK$500. Candidates must provide the keyword of the question to support the appeal.

If the appeal is successful, the fee shall be refunded to applicant.

Appeal Process

To facilitate the handling of appeal cases in an effective manner, an appealer is required to submit the Appeal Application Form HERE together with a cheque with a correct amount, made payable to "BEAM Society Limited” and send to the following address:

Rm 105 – 108, 1/F Jockey Club Environmental Building
77 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon Tong
Hong Kong

Please note that appeal should be applied within 10 calendar days upon receipt of the provisional examination result.

An acknowledgement email will be issued to the Appeal Applicant within 5 calendar days from the day the form and cheque are received.

BSL will review the case and a reply will be issued to the Appeal applicant within 1 calendar month.



Training Outline & Course Flyer 

This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus EDC v1.0 with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain fields
I. The framework of BEAM Plus EDC v1.0 and;
II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus EDC v1.0 and;
III. Innovative and sustainable design skills

Course Flyer: HERE

Minimum Qualification Requirement 

The applicant shall possess: 

a) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 3 years postgraduate professional experience; plus
Qualification as a full member of a relevant professional institute (HKIA, HKIE, HKIH, HKILA, HKIP, HKIS or equivalent, or possessing the type of membership in a professional body recognised by the Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) as acceptable for becoming Tier 1 Property Management Practitioners)


b) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment, Housing Management, Facilities Management, Engineering, and related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 5 years postgraduate professional experience


c) Age 35 or over: plus
At least 10 years of experience in the operation and maintenance of green buildings; plus
Applicants must have already attained a managerial position; plus
Submission of a paper (2,000 - 3,000 words in English / 3,000 - 4,000 in Chinese), to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and expertise in green building field and contribution to the green building movement. (NOTE)


Training and Examination Format


BEAM Plus EDC v1.0 Training is a 2.5-hour video training, followed by an open-book, computer-based 1.5-hour examination with randomly generated multiple-choice questions. BEAM Plus EDC v1.0 Manual will be provided at the examination venue. 

Candidate must correctly answer no less than 70% out of 50 questions (Score:35) to pass the examination.

Candidates are advised to review the BEAM Plus Manuals and training materials prior to the examination.


Course Schedule

Registration for Training: All year round

Video Training: From completion of course payment to examination date

Registration for Examination: starts in early Feb 2025
(Practitioners registered for training will receive notification by mail in due course)

Examination Date: 10 May 2025

Examination Venue: BEC Auditorium, Jockey Club Environmental Building, Kowloon Tong

Fire Safety Evacuation Plan


Only online registration via Online Training Portal is accepted.

After completion of BEAM Pro Fundamental Course, you may submit the application for EDC v1.0 Training. The BSL, upon receipt of the application, shall inform the applicant of course approval status by email within 7 business days.

Candidates must complete this course within TWO years after completion of the BEAM Pro Fundamental Course. Or else, candidates will be required to re-register for the up-to-date version of the Fundamental Course.

Training and Examination Fee 

Applicants must take the BEAM Pro Training and Examination as a package.
The following training and examination fee has already included the package of training materials and the first entry to the examination. 

Discounted Fee for Members** HK$500 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Fee for Members of Supporting Organisation HK$900
Original Fee HK$1,000
**Exclusive for:
1) Associate / Ordinary Member of BEAM Society Limited (member since April 2015)
2) Patron / Institutional / Associate Member of Hong Kong Green Building Council (member since November 2009)


Examination Result

A provisional examination result showing "PASS/FAIL" will be displayed / generated immediately after the examination. The candidates with a result of "FAIL" will be informed within one month after the examination regarding their score and retake arrangement.

Passing the Examination

BEAM Practitioners Individual Account will be created by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) for candidates passing the examination. The candidates with a result of "PASS" will receive the score and login information of the Individual Account around 1 month after the examination.

Login to BEAM Practitioners Individual Account: HERE

Examination Reschedule

Candidate is allowed to apply for examination reschedule ONCE, if he/she cannot attend the original scheduled date of examination. The application must be submitted to BSL at least 10 business days before the original scheduled date of examination. An administration fee of HK$600 will be charged per application of reschedule.

If the candidate fails to attend the examination per the new schedule, he/she is required to apply for re-siting the examination.

Examination Retake / Resit

Candidates can participate in examination retake within the validity period of ONE year of from the first examination date by paying the examination retake fee. 

Discounted Fee for ALL HK$300 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Original Fee HK$600

Candidate who misses the validity period will be required to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.

If candidates opt for examination retake, the payment must be completed before the deadline for registration of the examination retake or not less than 1 week before the examination retake date, whichever is earlier. 

Candidates who are absent from the previous examination due to medical reason or personal issue are eligible to resit in the examination subject to the same payment.

The application of examination retake or resit is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Candidates are strongly advised to apply for retaking the examination as soon as possible upon announcement or notice by BSL.


Appeal to Examination

Appeal to the process, procedure and questions of the examination are accepted.
Some examples of "Appeal to Process and Procedure” are the delay in allowing candidate to enter the examination centre, computer glitch, unclear instructions for the examination, etc. Candidates must provide clear and concise description of the issue under the appeal.

An administrative fee of HK$500 will be charged per process / procedure.
For the appeal on examination questions, the charge would be $500 per question on top of the administrative fee of HK$500. Candidates must provide the keyword of the question to support the appeal.

If the appeal is successful, the fee shall be refunded to applicant.

Appeal Process

To facilitate the handling of appeal cases in an effective manner, an appealer is required to submit the Appeal Application Form HERE together with a cheque with a correct amount, made payable to "BEAM Society Limited” and send to the following address:

Rm 105 – 108, 1/F Jockey Club Environmental Building
77 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon Tong
Hong Kong

Please note that appeal should be applied within 10 calendar days upon receipt of the provisional examination result.

An acknowledgement email will be issued to the Appeal Applicant within 5 calendar days from the day the form and cheque are received.

BSL will review the case and a reply will be issued to the Appeal applicant within 1 calendar month.

BEAM Pro ES Logo

Training Outline & Course Flyer 

This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus ES v1.0 with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain fields
I. The framework of BEAM Plus ES v1.0 and;
II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus ES v1.0 and;
III. Innovative and sustainable design skills

Course Flyer: HERE

Minimum Qualification Requirement 

The applicant shall possess: 

a) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 3 years postgraduate professional experience; plus
Qualification as a full member of a relevant professional institute (HKIA, HKIE, HKIH, HKILA, HKIP, HKIS or equivalent, or possessing the type of membership in a professional body recognised by the Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) as acceptable for becoming Tier 1 Property Management Practitioners)


b) A degree or equivalent in Built Environment, Housing Management, Facilities Management, Engineering, and related disciplines; plus
A minimum of 5 years postgraduate professional experience


c) Age 35 or over: plus
At least 10 years of experience in the operation and maintenance of green buildings; plus
Applicants must have already attained a managerial position; plus
Submission of a paper (2,000 - 3,000 words in English / 3,000 - 4,000 in Chinese), to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and expertise in green building field and contribution to the green building movement. (NOTE)


Training and Examination Format


BEAM Plus ES v1.0 Training is a 2-hour video training, followed by an open-book, computer-based 1.5-hour examination with randomly generated multiple-choice questions. BEAM Plus ES v1.0 Manual will be provided at the examination venue. 

Candidate must correctly answer no less than 70% out of 50 questions (Score:35) to pass the examination.

Candidates are advised to review the BEAM Plus Manuals and training materials prior to the examination.


Course Schedule

Registration for Training: All year round

Video Training: From completion of course payment to examination date

Registration for Examination: starts in early Feb 2025
(Practitioners registered for training will receive notification by mail in due course)

Examination Date: 10 May 2025

Examination Venue: BEC Auditorium, Jockey Club Environmental Building, Kowloon Tong

Fire Safety Evacuation Plan



Only online registration via Online Training Portal is accepted.

After completion of BEAM Pro Fundamental Course, you may submit the application for ES v1.0 Training. The BSL, upon receipt of the application, shall inform the applicant of course approval status by email within 7 business days.

Candidates must complete this course within TWO years after completion of the BEAM Pro Fundamental Course. Or else, candidates will be required to re-register for the up-to-date version of the Fundamental Course.

Training and Examination Fee 

Applicants must take the BEAM Pro Training and Examination as a package.
The following training and examination fee has already included the package of training materials and the first entry to the examination. 

Discounted Fee for Members** HK$250 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)
Fee for Members of Supporting Organisation HK$450
Original Fee HK$500
**Exclusive for:
1) Associate / Ordinary Member of BEAM Society Limited (member since April 2015)
2) Patron / Institutional / Associate Member of Hong Kong Green Building Council (member since November 2009)


Examination Result

A provisional examination result showing "PASS/FAIL" will be displayed / generated immediately after the examination. The candidates with a result of "FAIL" will be informed within one month after the examination regarding their score and retake arrangement.

Passing the Examination

BEAM Practitioners Individual Account will be created by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) for candidates passing the examination. The candidates with a result of "PASS" will receive the score and login information of the Individual Account around 1 month after the examination.

Login to BEAM Practitioners Individual Account: HERE

Examination Reschedule

Candidate is allowed to apply for examination reschedule ONCE, if he/she cannot attend the original scheduled date of examination. The application must be submitted to BSL at least 10 business days before the original scheduled date of examination. An administration fee of HK$600 will be charged per application of reschedule.

If the candidate fails to attend the examination per the new schedule, he/she is required to apply for re-siting the examination.

Examination Retake / Resit

Candidates can participate in examination retake within the validity period of ONE year of from the first examination date by paying the examination retake fee. 

Discounted Fee for ALL HK$300 50% off (till 31 Dec 2025)

 Candidate who misses the validity period will be required to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.

If candidates opt for examination retake, the payment must be completed before the deadline for registration of the examination retake or not less than 1 week before the examination retake date, whichever is earlier. 

Candidates who are absent from the previous examination due to medical reason or personal issue are eligible to resit in the examination subject to the same payment.

The application of examination retake or resit is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Candidates are strongly advised to apply for retaking the examination as soon as possible upon announcement or notice by BSL.


Appeal to Examination

Appeal to the process, procedure and questions of the examination are accepted.Some examples of "Appeal to Process and Procedure” are the delay in allowing candidate to enter the examination centre, computer glitch, unclear instructions for the examination, etc. Candidates must provide clear and concise description of the issue under the appeal.

An administrative fee of HK$500 will be charged per process / procedure.

For the appeal on examination questions, the charge would be $500 per question on top of the administrative fee of HK$500. Candidates must provide the keyword of the question to support the appeal.

If the appeal is successful, the fee shall be refunded to applicant.

Appeal Process

To facilitate the handling of appeal cases in an effective manner, an appealer is required to submit the Appeal Application Form HERE together with a cheque with a correct amount, made payable to "BEAM Society Limited” and send to the following address:

Rm 105 – 108, 1/F Jockey Club Environmental Building
77 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon Tong
Hong Kong

Please note that appeal should be applied within 10 calendar days upon receipt of the provisional examination result.

An acknowledgement email will be issued to the Appeal Applicant within 5 calendar days from the day the form and cheque are received.

BSL will review the case and a reply will be issued to the Appeal applicant within 1 calendar month.