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The Launch of iBEAM Unison Marks a New Chapter in Sustainable Building Practice

Others | 14 Dec 2022

The Launch of iBEAM Unison Marks a New Chapter in Sustainable Building Practice

BEAM Society Green Building Data Platform - Launch of iBEAM Unison Banner

BEAM Society Limited (BSL) is pleased to announce the official launch of iBEAM Unison today. With support from the Construction Industry Council Research and Technology Development Fund, iBEAM Unison aims to enhance the information exchange of green building data throughout the design and construction processes.


BEAM Society iBEAM Unison Launch Ceremony

Various supporting organisations showed their support to iBEAM Unison at the Launch Ceremony on 14 Dec 2022.


As an advanced data platform, iBEAM Unison allows users to extract Building Information Modelling (BIM) data for BEAM Plus New Buildings Assessment and impact assessment for Sustainable Finance Certification. The high processing power of iBEAM Unison would strengthen the project team's efficiency in analysing green building data. iBEAM and iBEAM Unison together offer a comprehensive, one-stop solution that allows project team and stakeholders to access, store, analyse and process green building data with great reliability.

Meanwhile, the sheer volume of data processed through iBEAM Unison could enable our community to formulate a more credible green building standard that promotes decarbonisation efforts in the design and construction industry. More importantly, the analytics by iBEAM Unison would provide insights to enhance Hong Kong's smart city planning and sustainability practices that keep up with international standards.

If you would like to explore more about iBEAM Unison, please visit HERE or contact our System Development Team at [email protected]/ 3610-5700.